Quiet learning environment with internet at no cost?


Meanwhile, it goes to high school and I have to learn often and long in peace.

However, I have the following problem: I'm the first graduate and my family shows absolutely no understanding that I have to learn. Both morning and afternoon and evening we always visit or my (grand) family makes any noise - for more than an hour at a time it is never quiet.

I recently spent a year abroad, where I was always in the library for about 4 hours after school, where there was free Wi-Fi and computer.

Unfortunately, I live in a very small town with a library that offers Wi-Fi only for a fee. The library / library of the neighboring city has too short opening hours (usually around the 2 hours which overlap with timetable) and the next library is also 1 hour away from me.

So where can I study in a quiet environment where I have free Wi-Fi (do not have our city parks) and would not have any other expenses? Unfortunately, I have no big income, so I could not afford cafes, etc. So probably. But I have a laptop.

I'm super grateful for every tip!


The only way I see at your home.

Is it possible for a teacher or a relative who is well with you to talk to your parents.

If there's no possibility in your home, then maybe your parents can give the money to pay for the WLAN in the library.


Since I would take a look around in your place.

You can e.g. Time at the churches or in youth centers / youth welfare office etc. Ask and describe your problem. But do not forget to mention that it is only for a short time.

I'm sure somewhere are still empty rooms largely unused, which you could possibly use.


You poorest! I wish you nothing more than a good work atmosphere

in your room?


Great idea