Is that right from the employer?


My mother told me about a new regulation on her work today and I would like to know whether it is even permitted by the employer.

The paper payslips were abolished, instead each employee received instructions, consisting of 6 pages, to download and manage a program online with which the payslips can be called up online.

At the request of some employees, this is really only possible at home and not on the computers at work (the workplace is an ITS station in the hospital)

I will still be able to help my mother download and set up this program, even if she has a very old and very slow laptop and (understandably) it does not consider buying a new one just for that.

However, there are also colleagues who will retire next year and do not have a PC or laptop or even Internet access. When asked by these colleagues, the answer came from the HR department that the number of employees would be so small that they will not go into this any further now.

My question would now be, as mentioned above, whether this procedure is allowed at all? The reason for this was the saving of paper because you no longer had to print out all payslips.

However, many employees would like to have the payslips in paper form and now, in addition to the new program, there are also the costs of printing them out.

The works council has already been involved. What are the chances of success?


See no chance. In the age of the computer, the easy is saved on the secure page and you can also print it out.

has the advantage that you can't lose a pay slip

is also the case with us


This may help:


But the employees who do not have access to the PC are severely disadvantaged. Doesn't every employee have the right to a pay slip?


The chances of success are poor.

Here is everything you need to know.

In short: a statement in text form must be created. This can be done physically (paper) or as a PDF (digital).

However, the AG must / should ensure through various training courses that the contractor can also call this up or provide the opportunity to do so free of charge (e.g. PC workstation in production with printer). If he shouldn't do that, it looks good again.


Did you read the link? Yes

in most households there's at least Nen Läppie, enough

it definitely works for mine


Thank you for the information:-)


In most but not all. My mother's colleagues don't have a laptop or PC. She doesn't even have an internet connection


In 2020 I would rather think about what went wrong with people without internet access and how you can support them. You could also ask if the wages are paid in cash because people without a bank account are disadvantaged. Strange question, isn't it?


As I said. An older lady who will retire next year. Up until now, it has had no need for an internet connection. Yes, there are people like that. If you haven't used a PC or the Internet, why buy extra?


Nobody believes you.


I don't care whether you believe me or not. Imagine my grandmother doesn't have a PC or internet either. Shocking i know (irony)


Yes, because it is a huge advantage, especially for older people. And besides, I don't know anyone without an internet connection, even older ones, over 80. This has absolutely nothing to do with age these days.


It certainly has nothing to do with age, but that's the case with this colleague. Just because you don't know anyone doesn't mean that such people don't exist. Advantage or not, if you have to buy everything just for a last year once a month payslip that is rather a disadvantage


Your grandmother doesn't work in the hospital either.


No, but not my mother's colleague, who works that way, that she has never used the Internet before and therefore has no connection:-)


What went wrong with people without internet access

That is absolutely nonsense.


Then she should have the pay slip printed out in the HR department. Just why should something not be right just because someone refuses. And I can't understand why you only need an internet connection for payslips. This lady seems to be stubborn. If she is no longer fit, the internet would be helpful.


No it is not. Everyone should have internet access. And I can't understand why someone refuses to do so.


The payslip is no longer printed. That is the problem. It doesn't need internet. She never has and probably never will. Why not if she gets along perfectly? The purchase would now really only be to call up the payslip online. This has nothing to do with being stubborn. I don't have a car, for example, because I simply don't need one. Am I stubborn because I say I don't get one, even though others have one and that is actually standard in Germany?


Nobody believes you.

And why not?

So you assume that every person has a PC, internet access?

What nonsense is that?

Or is there even a legal obligation?


If you can manage without the internet, why do you have to buy one? There are many people in Germany without the Internet


It won't go well for long.


That has been possible for the past 66 years, so why shouldn't it suddenly work?


Don't worry, the AG pays the wages anyway. This is probably about saving paper, etc., since your mother probably has a fixed salary month after month and there's actually 1 pay slip for the whole year - I have read or heard at some point and makes sense. You will then probably receive this statement once in January and for December, if there are any deviations due to Christmas bonus etc. And if it needs pay slips during the year, then online.


I'm not worried about my mother. As I said, she has an old laptop and I'm sure I'll get it set up. It only annoys me for my colleagues who don't have access to the internet (and don't want to) and find the treatment very unjust.


And I can't understand why someone refuses to do so.

Whether you can understand this or not is completely irrelevant!

That is your mere individual opinion!


Because more and more bank branches, shops, etc. Are closing, administrations are also increasingly switching to the Internet. With age, the body breaks down and in old age it can only be an advantage to do things online. When you are no longer able to walk well and the weather conditions are unfavorable.


I can't sign it like that. I know enough older people who are simply overwhelmed with the PC and all the functions. It is certainly easier to regulate things online, but I know older gentlemen who are unable to switch on a cell phone and enter the PIN. No matter how often you explain it. The best PC is of no use to me if you don't manage it.

Furthermore, I also think that you shouldn't force anyone to do something that he or she doesn't want. After all, these are costs and everyone should be able to decide for themselves what they spend their money on


I say yes, the employees will certainly receive an annual wage statement and if the wages do not change month by month, there's actually no need for any further documents.


No, but then please don't whine when the bank branch closes, which can only be accessed via the Internet and you have to walk a few kilometers with a walker in wind and weather without money. Then my pity is limited.


Depends on. I only recently needed a loan from the bank and they wanted the pay slips of the past 3 months… It always depends


Jepp, these are the cases where you actually have to print out pay slips online and the AG will certainly provide the relevant equipment in the company.


Thank you for the answers:-)


My mother's colleagues don't have a laptop or PC

tens of people work in the hospital and all of them have neither Läppie nor PC

that's what the statement was about, I never think


I actually committed myself to that, sorry. I wanted to write my mother's colleague (referred to a lady who will retire next year)


In Germany, just 81% of all households have Internet. So I don't think the banks will close so quickly:-)



wait and see what the training brings, there you can raise the topic there's a possibility; betting


Of course there are good reasons for using the Internet.

However, it is completely unjustified to derive an obligation for the individual from this (with certain exceptions); and first of all it is completely inappropriate to judge it as "moral" ("what went wrong with people without internet access")!


You will definitely lose the bet, as no training is planned at all. There was the instruction with the statement how to set up the program at home. Finished


Gosh no… The woman can read and write and will be able to press a button if necessary. I'm also not very young anymore and some of my colleagues are even less so. We have had payrolls on the Internet for years, but nobody is so stupid that they need training. If you have a question, just ask the HR staff. No problem. Sorry, but I can't believe how you can make such a fuss about such a normal little thing. How does your mother's colleague get to work? With the horse-drawn carriage? Ok, maybe walking or cycling.


It doesn't make a fuss. She just asked how it is with those who have no internet and then got this outrageous answer. I only asked here whether there's a possibility that this colleague will continue to receive her payslip as before. The vortex here only started because apparently some people here have difficulty believing that there are people without the Internet. I just listed the reasons why it can be.

The colleague has nothing to do with it. These were just MY arguments, why I can imagine that an older person does not need the Internet


Tens of people and work in the hospital
all have neither Läppie nor PC

Where should that be?

With a minimum of thought and logic, you should have been clear that the wording

My mother's colleagues don't have a laptop or PC

is a typo and should be correct:

The college
in my mother has neither laptop nor PC

Kind of logical, right?


Then my pity is limited.

And my pity is limited to people who essentially define their relationship to life through their internet access.



What is expressed here is a fair amount of (structural) arrogance - which I do not assume is that it is done deliberately and deliberately.