When parents get things taken from the state?


And I've been wondering that for a few years now.

When you have no more money, after a while things are taken off you, like Consoles, etc.
What if you are 18 years old and still live with your parents and this happens? If you look for example The laptop has your own money and you are voljährig. Would you have to give it then? Because that's not the property of the parents.

Would be cool if someone could tell me that.


The bailiff is not obliged to clarify the ownership. He may assume that everything in the custody of the debtor is his property.

Falsely seized objects can be retrieved via a third-party action suit. But then you have to be able to prove the ownership.

Because, strangely, many debtors have the whole apartment full of things, but allegedly that belongs to any other peson.


The state only takes things from parents when they are heavily indebted.

If you can show proof of purchase that the items are yours, you can keep them. If not, they are gone.


Just because you have no money, things are not taken away. The problem is, if you can't pay the bills and eventually come to MB and VB a bailiff. But enforcement is only in the debtor's assets. However, because the local bailiff is not able to check the ownership, it can happen that your belongings are also seized. In this case, you have to defend yourself with the third-party objection lawsuit.


Kind of antisocial. Who keeps the bills from all his belongings, please?


I z. B. Do that. So you can just prove when you bought something.


If anything is "asocial", then at most the circumstance of not paying his bills.


Should be done. Consequence would really be in this case, what the GV finds, he can also seize.


The GV will pick up the pledges anyway at the eventual second visit (leave). He is usually satisfied with the famous "cuckoo"