Help me with the task or give inspiration?


Got the following job in art:

Watch what you do every day. Classify the activities that occur in your day-to-day operations, such as the following topics (or others that better suit your activities):

Rest and activity phases

Input and output phases

Static and mobile phases

Work and leisure phases

Wake and sleep phases

Mood phases Physiological / biological phases / processes Online and offline phases

From this, develop an information graphic that presents at least five topics and phases that run through the day. In further information graphics, you develop a monthly and an annual presentation for the same topics you have selected.

You can work classically on paper, or alternatively, the presentation of information can also take place as an interactive application, game or in another suitable medium (analog, digital or combined). Please bring digital results on a USB stick, make them available online or show them on your own laptop.

Can anyone give me inspiration and help, because I have no plan whatsoever to do. I'd rather do the job digitally than on paper but I just do not know how and what. Does that have to present tomorrow, would be really nice if someone could help me and could give ideas.


What kind of inspiration did you imagine? Good programs or activities that come to mind or or or


Now your task is already complex. What defines the teacher under an information graphic? And among other things it must contain a text, or is it an information graphic to be interpreted?




That left her open♀️


Take a look at Behance for inspiration:

Had to do an infographic to parking in the area.

Then put a "parking icon" in relation to the number of parking spaces and place them on the map on each district.

As a basic solution would make a kind of diagram, you can still make it more complicated.