Looking for a laptop for a student?


I'm starting my studies in 2 months and looking for a new laptop, because my age will not survive much longer.

I'm looking for a thin, lightweight laptop, even better not much heavier than 2kg. He should have at least an Intel i5, better even an i7, and I would prefer synonymous a graphics chip, which is slightly better than an Intel Graphics HD chip, it should of course be affordable, so of course no laptop version of the Nvidia GTX 1060, that is Of course that does not work.

The screen size should be between 13 and 15 inches. The battery should survive a day at the university, so already more than 5h. I do not need a CD drive, which makes the notebook even thicker and heavier.

Does anyone have such a laptop that is affordable? I do not know if you get something for less than 800 euro. If not I'm grateful for suggestions that come close to my idea, thank you


Can only recommend the Asus Vivobook. https://www.asus.com/...15-S510UA/ is in your budget and is really great for students.


What do you want to study? Maybe there's still the decisive hint on what you should pay attention.


Mainly computer science.


So I know that many computer scientists have a ThinkPad. Often bought as a used device. As far as I know, the devices are quite robust.

In terms of size, I would consider 14 inches to be ideal when it comes to taking him in VL. The fills the folding tables well without getting over. 15 inches is still possible.

I have a thinkpad yoga, because I also wrote it in VL… (I found that very convenient, because you always have the notes and summaries for exams directly. - Gave more in the study situations, where on the old stuff used) But at the extra charge for the pen function compared to other devices you have to stop thinking…


I have a friend. He also studies computer science. He has bought a used business laptop. This laptop was quite cheap, but not so powerful.

I would conclude that you usually have no major demands on the hardware performance for computer science. It is more likely to concentrate on the quality of the keyboard and the display. I also have to program something from time to time. I think a large display area helps since you can leave two things side by side. On the other hand, a large screen reduces both mobility and battery life.

I think you should look in the class 14-16 inches. I do not think you need extra power. Here you have to assess yourself, what you need. Maybe you're not just working with the calculator and want to play games on it.

My tip: Get a cheap laptop as a second device / working device. I like to learn in the Bib and find it annoying to always have to take care of the research. Since I save the data on my computer safely and no personal belongings to him, a loss due to theft is acceptable. To write and edit documents is such a computer perfectly adequate. (Personally, I have never heard of stealing a laptop from a classmate, but for sure it's safe!)