I'm looking for a simple music software where I don't need a lot of training time. I've already tried FL Studio / Reaper etc. But that's too complicated for me. Is there a software that meets my requirements? Important to know I have a Windows laptop.
Control an instrument via e-piano midi signal on PC and then with the software. If I've explained that well.
It is best to use the Audio Pad software from NCH Software. It's pretty good, cheap and self-explanatory.
Since you do not reveal your requirements, it becomes difficult to recommend what…
Simple music software would be https://www.audacityteam.org/…
Music Maker is a simple composition software
Samplitude would be good too.
I mentioned my requirements above afterwards.
I use Cakewalk by Bandlabs for this… So also a very extensive DAW. The advantage is that Cakewalk is free. You only have to set your midi device once. Start an empty project, drag the VST instrument into the tracks and start playing… Audacity shouldn't be that comfortable either. But I've never tried it. Cakewalk supports at least all common VST2 and VST3 etc. There's a large selection to use free VSTs… Recordings are of course also possible. But you should get used to it if necessary… What remains for all of them is to first install and integrate the VST… You should adjust the folder with the data directly and make sure that it is in the correct folder when installing the VST land. Because the VSTs are read in from these folders. Otherwise, you may have to specify each folder individually so that they can all be read. I have 4 folders. VST2 32bit, and 64bit and that again for VST3 32bit or 64bit. So I only need to include 4 folders.