Fake virus warning?


I need help urgently, my sister borrowed my laptop and streamed a movie. (Although I have told her several times not to)

At least now we have the problem that a pop-up warning has appeared.

She didn't tell me at first because she was afraid I was angry and therefore called this number.

Fake virus warning

When I got into the living room I heard a male (probably Indian) voice saying my sister said he needed some numbers.

I then took the cell phone out of her hand and hung up on it, will this call follow? So now they have her cell phone number?

More importantly, how can I remove this fake warning? A sound runs all the time, a computer voice talks about how bad the virus is, etc.

We're pretty tight on the month and I don't want to burden my parents with it (due to the current situation)

Is there a way to save my laptop without cost?


Yes, block or remove everything in the browser settings under "Notifications".


It is not real. It is also not that easy to contaminate a computer. Click away the pop-up and don't call again in the future.


The question is whether any program has been installed that now paralyzes the computer. Nothing else will happen, however. The gentleman at the other end of the line would have asked for various card information etc., possibly installed a few programs from a distance that would have made the computer completely unusable.

The most secure method would now be to completely rebuild the computer, the only way to be sure that there are no more malware on it


It's good that she didn't give him numbers. I would wait next. It is possible that bills are made using the cell phone number. That doesn't mean it happens.

Watch the cell phone bill.


Just click away, they can't lock your computer. Then they would have done it anyway. They pretend to be experts and claim that they need private information with which they can "repair" your computer. If your sister didn't give them any of your data, nothing will have happened.


Oh thanks! And what about my sister's number, could these people call her?


These are not telephone fraudsters. The number is a 0800 number. They wanted credentials


I'm relieved, thank you!


Oh dear, I hope that won't happen.


Well then. I used to have something like that and was caught in the subscription trap. I closed the tab immediately and didn't select anything. But was in it with the cell phone.


Logical. But you can also block numbers.