Isn't it enough slowly?

- in Gaming

Hi. I'll explain my situation as follows.

I'm 13 years old and have my own PC. (Partly paid for by myself.) About 5 weeks ago I was a little pissed off that I had to turn it off. Then I punched (lightly but loudly) on my wooden table and said: 'Please not yet, I still have to reach this level!' Yes, I wanted to reach another level, which would have taken a maximum of 5 minutes. Now my mother and my stepfather are telling me to take on more responsibility. This is because I only did the open homeschooling tasks at the last minute. But that was still fully on time and absolutely on time! (Example: Math, submission should appear on Friday at 3 pm. I submit it at 12 noon.) My mother says I could have done the tasks on Monday. Now, to this day, I have been banned from gambling and cell phones and only have this laptop for tasks and such. I'm slowly getting enough! How long should I be banned from doing (well) done tasks?! That makes me angry. Is that normal at all or is it exaggerated to be banned for such a long time? I don't screw up or anything, I'm a high school student and my grades and my behavior are completely ok!


By the way, handing in at 12 p.m., although handing in at 3 p.m. At the latest, is at the last minute. Your parents raise you, that is their method of education. Can't do anything.


I understand you well and now speak from experience: It is useless to fight against your parents. Better negotiate with your parents. A deal like: I'll get my toys back if I always hand in my tasks no later than 2 days before the deadline. And a little tip on the side: Don't get cheeky with your parents. You will regret it.


It happened to me in a similar way at that age because I didn't do my homework, but I think I was two years younger…

Just show them that you will do it earlier from now on and then you can play again.


But you also have to understand your parents. If they punish you, they only want what's best for you. Even the fact that you hit the table (even if only lightly) shows signs of aggression. Try to be more relaxed and you will understand that too.


Thanks for your answer!


Thanks for the answer. I'll take care of that. LG


Well, it's their parenting methods. Nobody can do anything about it. Not you, not me, not him. He can't show them or anything else. He has to accept it.


In my opinion that was not very fair of your parents, but mine are also sometimes so that when things I have done perfectly right they say that it is not possible. Maybe try to talk to your parents and tell them that this is bothering you. If that's ok you can maybe arrange times when you only do your schoolwork then they will know that and trust you more. I also think that they just want you to do all the tasks and not get stressed in school, I'm 13 myself and I also know something like that at high school. As I said, talk to them that you don't think that's okay

Hope LG could help


Thank you for your help!


Of course they act arbitrarily! What would an involuntary reaction look like? Blows?


Yes. I also preferred to be punished involuntarily.


Involuntarily being punished means that there's a logical reason for the punishment. In the case of OP that he wg. Gambling not getting his homework done. But he does it, only if he feels like it. Punishing him because his parents believe it is too late (what is there a deadline for?) Is arbitrary.


Involuntary reactions are reactions that are controlled by the subconscious.