Many changes suddenly in life, how does the body react?

- in Gaming

First of all a nice good evening to you all and I hope you are fine.

I have a question, and I did nothing for three years out of any interest, and I was actually just in the apartment, playing computer games, and taking pills through negative thinking.

On 27.05.2019 I decided to change myself and never to live like that again.

Since then I'm doing competitive sports and I like to be outside and move

I figured out how hard it was with the role playing and gaming laptop

However, I have already quit smoking for 1 year

I started to do my driver's license and I passed it too, that was really a nice experience and I also bought a car

4 months ago I stopped using the medication anti depressants with the agreement of the doctor and switched to herbal medicine and then stopped them only 6 weeks ago

I also started fitness and swimming, I'm almost always out and about to enjoy the time

I sold my smartphone, I wanted for my own interest, no Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp etc more. This constantly looking on the phone has ruined me. I've just gotten an older cell phone, which is enough for calls and texting

My question to you, I have always had

Again, symptoms such as stomach ache, flatulence, inner restlessness, fears, sweating, concentration problems, etc, it may be that the body must first get used to this change. I was really just home for 3 years of my life playing computer games, not sports and being 4 months, I've become quite different

Maybe I should have done slowly, my aunt said, it comes from the fact that the body has to get used to the new life and I have stopped many addictions at once


Maybe I should have done slowly, my aunt said, it comes from the fact that the body has to get used to the new life and I have stopped many addictions at once

So it is… Enjoy your life to the fullest


I only have the problem with the inner restlessness and sweating and stomach problems, it is so blatant what such addictions and habits can cause. First of all many thanks for your answer!

Do you actually know how long something goes and "detoxifies" the body just about?