Why don't you write small h on laptops?


All buttons work fine. Except for the "h". But it is not because of the key itself, because if I press the shift to add a capital "H" without any problems. Only the "h" without shift does not work. If I do the whole thing the other way around and press the shift key which always makes all letters large, I can again only use the small "h" with the shift and not the capital "H" without shift. As if the "h" key was set so that it is only active with the shift key. Any suggestions how I can fix this?


Have you set any macro or whatever?

I would rule out a hardware defect, although it is not impossible but extremely unlikely. If you can't get rid of this, reinstall all software and drivers once


Not really.


What kind of keyboard?


Permanently installed in my MSI laptop.


Mhh okay, do you have any program to control lighting or macros?


Since I have never set macros and otherwise have no lights on the laptop, I don't know that I have such programs on the laptop at all


Okay, unfortunately I can't help with something like that remotely. Does the part still have a guarantee?