Toy-free time during the corona crisis?


I'm taking care of my godchild at the moment.
he is now in 4th grade and has 2 children's rooms. The one where he sleeps and does homework. The other bursts at the seams with toys, laptops, smartphones, tablets and TVs.

He is chronically bored because he has nothing to play with.
Now I thought about locking the "playroom" and leaving him only the radio plays, books and painting things. Just play a few blankets to stimulate your imagination and your favorite cuddly toys (maximum 3). He should simply learn to deal with a few and to think about how to deal with such a time again. I don't want to use the TV as a babysitter (he can and must watch children's news).
What do you think? Basically, I think toy-free time is good. He has been in kindergarten every 4 years where he was in kindergarten. And since he started school, I do it twice a year with him, once in summer for two months (usually in July and August) and once for four weeks shortly after Christmas.

Would like to do that now and let the whole time run as the corona crisis lasts. By the summer vacation at the latest I would give him a few toys again.

Do you think that's a good idea or is it a bad time because he can't play with his friends?


In any case, it has to learn without having to manage so many toys. The best thing is not to leave him except pens and a drawing pad.


He can also do something productive. You can get wood and you build nesting boxes and insect hotels.


4th grade

Laptop, smartphone, tablet and television

That is sick.
Prohibit access to all of these devices and see to it that it deals with things that a 4th grader should deal with. If necessary, all alone with yourself.


I know that too. His parents shower him with gifts because they are only at home 3 or 4 times a year for a few days. But that was not the question.


Completely toy-free, I think is unnecessary. What matters is what he is allowed to play with. This mass of electronic equipment is simply completely unnecessary.

I would give him access to classic children's toys, so stuffed animals (you already wrote that) or maybe a puzzle or some Lego, he can be a little creative.

I think Christiangt's idea is great. Something like that should be done with children more often.


Personally, I was an enthusiastic Lego designer up to the third grade. In the 4th grade I loved computer games next to BMX riding. Today the children are much more demanding. Therefore, pay him per youth book that he reads 10-20 euro. At the latest from the third (good) book, he reads voluntarily. Or let him play with other children. Or get him a good game PC / notebook (with a good Nvidia graphics card) or a Playstation and choose one or two games that he and you like and are child-friendly. He is active for the next 3 months (not passive as in front of the TV). I personally would recommend a flight simulator game. You feel very free, even if you have to be at home a lot.


I'm not a fan of paying him for things that should go without saying. And read books, read the newspaper (we give the daily newspaper an extra edition for children), watch the news on TV (logo or other children's news), radio news (there are also children's news), help with the household (clean the dishwasher, clean up your own room and clean) cleaning your own bathroom) Doing your homework and learning should go without saying. Since the first class I have given him 10 euro for each one in the certificate and 2 5 euro for each. This year he won't get anything for the annual certificate either because, as he says, he gets everything from his parents.
I just don't know at the moment how to alleviate his grief when he realizes that his parents are actually not coming for Easter.


I also thought about that. Maybe books or audio books. I just want to keep him away from the TV if possible


It is important that he learns it.


My idea was that he is not in the room and is overwhelmed by the flood of toys. But that he deals with things that are not prefabricated.

For example, last year we went shopping by bike and we came to a farm.

A day later with a beekeeper. We have been eating eggs, potatoes, honey and apples in all kinds of variations for 2 weeks. I was surprised at what you can do with so little ingredients.

Then his parents came and he was just sitting on the new tablet while the new television was on.


It takes me 12 months to show him alternatives that he also enjoys. Then the parents come and break everything in 3 days.


Then talk to the parents


It is easier to talk to a concrete wall or to my great-grandparents.


You do that really well. It's a shame that you don't tend to deal with your children as much in everyday life.


Yes, I also did a lot with him before Corona. I find it sad that he is simply being deported by his parents.