Broken files due to Windows 10 update?


I have the following problem: I updated my laptop with Windows 10 and can no longer access the files with the green check mark next to it… This is the check mark for Onedrive (that is, it is verified for Onedrive). All of my office apps are just a blank sheet of paper on the home page, which means I can't open them. But if I want to open and open the Office apps in the file folder then it works🤔 so it works with my films… It always says that playback would not be possible… If I can view pictures and films offline online on the Internet on onedrive search then I can look at them🤔 I'll show you with a few pictures what it looks like I hope you can help me🙏✌


Windows has a serious problem in the latest update, which you can't solve yourself. The network even warns against updating. If you had merged several hard disks into one, they will be lost after the update because this function is just junk.

Did you happen to have multiple records?


Oha as if😕 no, unfortunately, have no records… I would have thought that there's something with OneDrive…


Would have been better if you had saved the files on an external hard drive beforehand. You probably won't get it back that way.


Nonsense. With me everything runs without problems.


Then it should be my laptop Laptop


Checked all partitions?


Luckily I saved it on Onedrive… I can still access it online… Only offline is not possible


Recently, many users reported that their files and shortcut on the desktop were lost after the Windows 10 update. It appears that the Windows 10 upgrade will delete the desktop files. In this article we will show you how to restore files deleted or lost from the desktop.


Various users of Windows 10 are currently reporting problems with the new update 2004. We will explain to you why a start function and the storage management do not work properly and what you can do about it.,3358843.html


Not necessarily. Think of Windows rather than anything serious.


Maybe, but others have no problems. There are people with problems with every Windows update, the question is how many there are.


Then maybe you can download it too? After that too


Check your partitions and the hard drive / hard drives.