Why is he like that to me?


My boyfriend is always mad at me. This morning I didn't do anything and all of a sudden he was totally mad at me, later we wanted to assemble a table and beforehand he told me his tools didn't fit there. So I want to clear out the bag in peace because he yells at me why I can't even hurry, then I thought you said the tool doesn't fit. He threw the screws angrily and yelled at me to listen. Just the same I lie in bed and watch YouTube all of a sudden he asks what I'm doing, I said watch YouTube. He said well then it will probably not gamble with anything. I turn off my internet so he can play. He says yes now it's too late anyway, it's 8 p.m. And you could have turned off the internet sooner you really don't notice anything. I just watch YouTube and I don't care what he's doing on the laptop. What can I do so that he is finally satisfied with what I'm doing? Do you have any ideas?


Ask him why he is so agro to you

What worries him


You don't have to do anything to please him

if he doesn't like you the way you are, he's just the wrong guy.


Separate yourself, you will do yourself something good. It's better for him too. If he gets upset about such trivialities and can't think from noon to noon, it's not good for his blood pressure.

HE has to change! Not you!


Talk to him.

Make it clear to him that you are his girlfriend and not just someone he can push around and treat so badly.

you don't have to let this be done to you.

either something is bothering him and you get it off.

or he's trying to push you away from him.

Stand firm and do not submit!


What do you have in common? Gambling and you tube, netflix?

He seems dissatisfied just like you.