What options do I have to repair my laptop?


It is all about:

Since my battery is empty and I connect it with the charging cable, it just doesn't work anymore (does not switch on, screen black). But a small light on the laptop (see pictures) lights up. But I don't hear a start-up, I don't see any image on the desktop.

I've already tried the following:

- tried different sockets

- tried different charging cables, as well as adapters

- tried several times laptop on and off

What you should know (maybe important):

-I don't have a "normal" laptop, but a tablet with Windows 10 operating software

- can be connected with keyboard


So the variant helps with the battery and does not plug in again.

What is the problem with my laptop, why is it no longer relevant?

How can I solve the problem on my own (without a specialist)?

It's a shame because I've only had this laptop for a few months…

By the way, the supplied charging cable of the laptop is unfortunately broken (has a kink…) no longer charges. Therefore I used another one (Huawei charging cable from the cell phone fits).


Is your fan loud when you start up your PC?


The battery may be deeply discharged. Just let it charge a little longer. It is also possible that the power adapter from your smartphone is not performing well. As far as I know, some tablet batteries are charged with more voltage and the resulting higher current


No, you don't hear anything when starting up. You only see the light on and off.