Best Programs for Classroom?


I got a laptop or tablet (convertible laptop with pen) for school. I have Word now, but I don't like the fact that all the notes are "a Word document" and when it piles up it becomes confusing.

Are there any better programs than OneNote?


You could rename the files and create folders for individual subjects


Yes, but when I need something in class that we wrote 3 weeks ago, it gets a bit complicated, and I don't like it that much when all files in the folder are in one heap. Better something like OneNote where all files are well organized, but look for something simpler


Then I can't help you. Have a look at yt. I use Apple for school and there's more choice. So on the Ipad


Okey thanks anyway


Take a look here:

Free software available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Multilingual. This also allows you to manage your documents clearly.

Here's a tip from me: I also recommend installing the fonts from the Computer Modern family. These are free and look professional:

Then unzip the zip and mark all TTF files and click with the right mouse button. Then choose Install. They are then automatically copied to the Windows font folder and are available in the system.


Thank you, that's exactly what I needed. Do you personally find OneNote or Notable better in terms of the overview and functions?


I think Notable is better because it's not as bloated as OneNote. It also starts faster.