Missed classroom lessons?


I'm so embarrassed to ask this question, but I really don't know what to do next 😬

Since this week we have school again, but only one subject per day and with strict rules. I made a list in advance of when I had what and where, but I probably missed a subject and therefore didn't enter it… Until Monday, it was also said that we had no classroom instruction but a video conference at 10 a.m.

So I sat in front of my laptop at 10 a.m. And waited patiently for a call from my teacher - who didn't come. I only found out that I should have been in school when the hour was almost up. This is infinitely embarrassing to me and I have been wondering all day whether and HOW should I write this to my teacher…

And above all, should I tell the truth or say I had a doctor's appointment? (I have an illness and the teachers know that sometimes I'm missing spontaneously)


Tell the truth. After all, everyone can mess up something. If the teacher takes his job seriously, he knows it too. No excuses.


Simply not at all. The teachers are also the last garbage man could have informed you


There was a list. It was my fault that I missed one subject. I wrote down all the other hours and took note of them…


He doesn't know, so his fault doesn't write him anything


I would just apologize and tell the truth


No matter. Who cares at this time? My brother 14 also has school and doesn't do anything there because the German teachers are pure waste


Oh man, poor woman.

With something like that only helps the good "eyes closed and through" method: just straight out with the truth, even if it is difficult at the moment. But doing nothing just looks stupid and your teacher could assume that you deliberately skipped his lesson.

The lie with the doctor's appointment is not particularly good. Firstly, you should then be able to present a medical certificate, and secondly, your parents would have had to apologize in this case - regardless of whether the appointment was spontaneous or not.


That is his decision and it is definitely not up to the teachers. I also find a large part of my teachers kisses, but I don't let them ruin my future. It goes without saying that I do my best at school to have opportunities later.


But doesn't want him to write to my parents, because then Poland is open


I'm always for the truth. Why do you wait until Friday when the hour was already on Monday?


No, the hour was today. We only got our homework on Monday and our teacher said that we would discuss it in a conference today. Then it was later determined that the lessons do not take place online but at school, which I did not notice.


Poland is open? And why should he call your parents he noticed it, if so why didn't he ask you about it. If he asks you you can still tell the truth


Just write an email to your teacher and explain the misunderstanding.


If you use the same Assi language in school, then I can imagine that you are not necessarily Teacher's favorite.


I never was, but I passed my A-levels at 1.2


Do I have. He took it well.