Laptop unbootable?

- in Lenovo

About a year ago I took a laptop from the recycling yard. Then I bought two RAM bars with two gigabytes each and a battery. He works well. It was an HDD with Win10 built by me. After that, I accidentally destroyed Windows 10 with a ReadyBoost stick. Then I installed a 240GB SSD and again installed Windows 10 at the beginning everything went quite well but then there was always something like a small short circuit a little crack when booting or he was stuck while booting. At first I could start by turning off and on a few times. Then it did not work anymore. About 5 days ago I installed new Windows 10. Now I have the same problem to what could this be? Is the laptop still to use? It's a 2010 Lenovo y560 with an i7 720QM 4GB of DDR3 memory and an AMD HD graphics unit


What do you expect now?

The one who made the thing to the recycling center, will have already had its reasons.


What I can do


Hard disk defective… Must install others


Okay, because the SSD should work really well, so did it


Well. You can try to fix it.

Then realize that you do not find the cause of the error or that a replacement of the motherboard is not worth it and then make it back to the recycling center.

Or you can make it right back to the recycling center.


Defective hard drive possibly as a second hard drive install and format there with error correction ---- maybe it goes back then as the 1st hard drive if operating system synonymous with it have made and bootable


Great and that of an expert: he said that it was… The one who has thrown it away will have hardly done it, because he suspected that it sometime later anyway makes problems… If it had already made problems from the beginning, you could still understand the answer. But: that would have been a computer-dummy said. An expert says something else.


May I be an expert. The other Girlfriend members believe me anyway.

What I'm by no means, however, is psychics, fortune tellers or magicians.

Even the best IT expert from 300km away can't diagnose such an error if the device is not lying on the table in front of him.

The descriptions of the questioner are useless with such errors.

Sporadic shorts on the motherboard can't be found by debating the features, but by attaching a gauge to it.

Your car mechanic will not fix your car on the phone either. Even if he is still good. He will ask you to bring the car to his workshop.


Above all, an expert can assess whether a repair is worthwhile or not.


First, you have to find the cause of the error - is it the hard drive, the RAM, the motherboard etc?

I have a USB flash drive with Linux - Linux Mint for me, but it's not that important. So I start the calculator and if everything works then it is probably on the hard drive / SSD or on the software.

How to install Linux on a USB stick, there are plenty of instructions on the net.

If even Linux does not start, you can sometimes remove the hard drive and, if you have 2 memory latches, try first with one and then with the other. I have ever had a notebook, where the hard drive was broken and the computer then did not start with Linux - here only helped the exchange of the hard drive.