Can I get my laptop repaired?


I got a new laptop from my parents, I normally take very good care of my things, but yesterday I noticed that the casing of my laptop had a small crack.

As far as I know, the case is made of magnesium. The crack starts on the back and runs up the side.

My question to you is: can you have it repaired, or maybe even repair it yourself? What are my options?

Thanks in advance.

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Can I get my laptop repaired Can I get my laptop repaired - 1

I don't think you can actually fix that. At most you could have the case of the laptop changed, but I would save the money. As long as it doesn't get bigger.

But I also think that it looks more like a scratch. What should a mechanical load look like in order to create such a crack at the point? Aren't two parts of the housing skipped by this type of defect? In the second picture, where you look at the connections, it seems to me that this - presumably scratches - continues from the lid to the insertion hole for the headphones. In my opinion, these are two different components - the cover and the strip in which the connections are mounted. That would speak against a crack, but rather in favor of a scratch that continues in the surface from one part to the other.


Is that true, I did not write the crack still goes through the connection. Unfortunately, this is really a complete crack… I already tested rum on it you can lift it right on one side


But how is this crack supposed to have come about?! You have to think about what kind of force, a mechanical force, must have acted on it. Then you would have to find some kind of bump / dent or scratch or whatever and then I think it is unlikely that this defect would only be so small. Also, that the crack occurs in two parts, I don't believe in it…

But either way the defect is only very small (until now) and obviously of a purely optical nature, pure cosmetics. As long as it doesn't get bigger and impair the stability of the device, I definitely wouldn't have anything changed. You will certainly get poor at it - and if you send in a part like this, you will wait ages for the repair.


But it's true, at the highest magnification you can see that there's actually damage on both sides of the socket, that could actually match a crack. Is that the power connection? Maybe at some point you levered it too brutally, maybe on your lap or when you put the device down?

As long as the part is running, I would keep my hands off it under the aspects mentioned above…


What kind of mechanical force are you talking about? My laptop was in my school bag and I fell for it


That into a headphone jack


Exactly, that's a mechanical force. Without the application of force, no deformation, no cracking. And you didn't write anywhere that your bag with your laptop fell down, I can't read that from your forehead.


Sorry that I expressed myself badly


Perhaps I would invest in a laptop bag so that an incident like this would be better padded next time. If it isn't financially possible, you could at least wrap it in a thick towel for transportation.


But trzm good information that 2 parts are broken I just looked in the Internet that is the following spare part I would buy

Can I get my laptop repaired


The laptop bag is now there


I don't think that's a good idea and I wouldn't. Why do you want to fiddle with it? What do you hope for from this? If any warranty issue occurs on the device, pretty much anything will be rejected if you tinker with it now. If only this small damage is present, then it must be clearly demonstrated to you that the defect that you may not want to take on is due to this mechanical damage. If you unscrew your device now and remodel the whole thing, you can probably forget the warranty.