Defragmenting WIN7 takes a long time?


Today I defragmented the laptop with WIN7 or the hard disk C at a friend.
It ran for about 2 hours, then there was something out of 4: Finished XX percent.
When 100 percent was reached, it started again at 0 percent.
I then canceled and called the defragmentation tool again, there was hard drive C: 44 percent fragmented.
I let the Defrag jumble again, and after another hour the plate was still 42 percent fragmented.

A crazy high value or?
But why does the defragmentation always start again when 100 percent has been reached?


Typical sign of a hard drive that is in the end. Back up all important data, for about 25 euro I bought a 128 GB USB stick from a brand manufacturer near Saturn, which was enough for me for all important data, new hard drives are not expensive, or a new PC with Win 10 in take the shortlist.