Is the MacBook Air 2020 worth it?

- in Macbook

I have a question for those who have the MacBook Air 2020. Is the MacBook worth it? I had to buy one, among other things because we don't have a computer in the family. I need a laptop for school and for YouTube cutting. I've heard the MacBook Pro is better for cutting videos, but the Air somehow appeals to me more.
anyone who has it, can you recommend it? Pros and Cons? Where can I buy the MacBook at a good price?


Not really


YES! The MacBook is great! BUT you have to see if there are already all programs for it and you have to consider that there can still be errors! Would recommend buying an iPad if you want to use it for school! Is much better through the camera with which you can scan sheets and you can draw! Very important for school!


Yes, of course. I also got the mc air. It's super fast and quiet. Compared to the mcb pro, it is only slightly slower. But not worth talking about. It only costs a maximum of 1/4 of what the mcb pro costs. 2 years ago I got the macbook pro with full equipment for about 5000 euro and now the air for 1500 euro and I have to say that the air is super compared to the pro. Not much slower. Enough for 90% of the things that are normally done. Small videos can easily be cut on the air