Are MacBooks as complicated as Windows laptops?

- in Macbook

Are MacBooks as complicated as Windows laptops?


In what way?


MacBook is less complicated or you have to click through the biggest nonsense and finally fix errors…


There are significantly fewer problems on mac than Windows. Especially if you are used to Windows drivers.
However, macOS itself is not entirely without quirks either.


I can't speak from experience, so don't take my answer at face value, but Apple products are much simpler and easier to use.


On the contrary, not nearly. Run out of the box. No bloatware, no 30-day trial versions etc. And a simple user interface. Everything that is unnecessary is hidden from the user. This often leads to the erroneous assumption that it has fewer functions and configuration options. The opposite is the case, everything that the average user will not need is virtually hidden. A lot of it can be activated with relevant tools and the advanced user has all the possibilities of a UNIX with console or terminal.


The Mac is known to work trouble-free. They say you don't work on the Mac with it.

Windows users are used to having to "run around" on their computers again and again, this is not the case with the Mac, but this simpler work creates problems for former Windows users. You need to learn that the Mac does a lot of the work for you on Windows. So switching from Windows to Mac is not that easy for many users.