How do I delete Mcafee on my Windows 10 laptop?


I tried to erase Mcaffe through a program I found on the internet but it did not work while the program was loading, he wanted to de-stalk and just did not go ahead as if he had stopped. I closed the program again and went to the alternative page. Opened programs and features. Click on Mcaffe lifesife and what happens. It opens a white window and after 2-3 seconds it closes or crashes. I can't get any further.


First download the, save it on the hard disk, alternatively on a USB stick.

Then download the too. Again, you do not need to install the program, you can just run it.

Do you have both programs on your PC

Start Windows 10 in Safe Mode.

How are you doing here ----->

Then you first run the uninstaller. Here you can first try the Safe method, it will not work - so choose the other method - called "Remove Force".

Method 1 uses the uninstaller of the respective program - otherwise it will simply be killed.

Then, when the deinstallation is done, you can run the second program over it - to remove all remnants of the McAffe program from the registry of Windows 10 Restless.

That would have to be it -

You are rid of it.

Before cleaning with the Regist. Cleaner before create a backup. In case of a case - also goes through the program itself.

Dannach Windows 10 restart normally.