How can I do without my wish?


I'm 14 and my parents do not begrudge me anything. They have a lot of money (together 7000 euro gross) but they mean they do not want to spoil me.

I've always had desires like a PS4, PS3, laptop, Nintendo and so on

But the only wish they fulfilled was a cell phone. They had bought me an S5 4 years ago (I write gerafe with the S5).

So far it has always been that I have given up all my wishes I had already after 4 months (I have accepted that I will get No Nintendo, etc.).

I had even thought about working at 16, (I had on my testimony a 1.4 average - Eighth grade) and earn my money. But my parents said they would never let me off until I was 18.

But then I once had the desire for a computer (there I was 12). Well it is that I can't forget this desire in contrast to the others. I just can't accept that I will not get a computer. How can I forget my wish, and just content myself with what I have?


Learn to argue well. It is easier to give someone their will if good arguments stand for it.


Thanks for your answer.

Have already discussed with my parents 4 times this year. They just want it. I have also called arguments, such as That I could use it for your school. My dad thought that I could easily use his laptop.


There are many arguments… Good PC handling is important. For school and study. I have some students who are struggling with simple attitudes etc. First of all I think that my students are rather incompetent…

The argument of the parents is probably the fear that you spend too much time with non-promotional things. So "lazier" will. Try to prove to them that you will not.


OK thanks