Is there Microsoft Office for two different laptops?


Hi, I want to buy the latest Microsoft Office package. I would need it for two different laptops. Do I have to buy two of them or are there some with two licenses? I don't get any clue in Google and maybe someone has experience of what is good and cheap there. And it shouldn't be a one-year limited license. Special virtually unlimited.


You have to buy the family subscription model (10 euro) per month.


Why don't you just take one of the free variants like open office or libre?


Open Office (now Libre) is just right for all those who do not operate commercial companies with form letters or special headers. It is free and suitable for different Windows versions.

Only when you write form letters and add addresses and names do you need Microsoft Office then and only then. The new office is coming out in the summer and you no longer have to pay a subscription. For the current office you have to pay an additional 5 euro (student version) or 7.99 euro per month.