Why did my mother go crazy?


Hi. After school today I wanted to apply. (Internship, apprenticeship, taster) After a few minutes my mother comes to me and asks me to go for a walk with my dog 30m. However, I wanted to make the applications and just went out quickly so that he could empty his blisters.

When I was back in the apartment, she freaked out and talked stuff that is not 100% true. Then she took all my cell phones and laptops and shouted that I should finally do what she told me to do. I could do the job after running.

I can't do what I was going to do at school. I don't care if I'm there longer. The main thing is calm while studying / writing applications.

She wrote that I always have an excuse. However, this is also not 100% true.


When would you go crazy?


"Dog walk 30mim. However, I wanted to make the applications and just went out quickly so that he could empty his blisters."

that I should finally do what she tells me "

There you have the reason. Where else do you help with? Who else takes care of the dog? Probably not mainly you, is it?

"She wrote that I always have an excuse. However, that's not 100% true."

But 95% or how? Yes, that with your application was a lame excuse, because you could easily have written it 30 minutes later. I would go crazy if I had to listen to such things non-stop and really do everything in the household on my own. And then I ask my child if he is going for a walk with the dog and then it comes back in after 2 minutes because it was too lazy for it. That's what it sounds like to me. It won't be the first time it has gone that way

EDIT: I read your other questions, it is bristling with excuses!




She is probably annoyed by something and now she is upset about every little thing. I know the problem. It is always funny for my mother, so I should just get bread from home and forget one and then she got angry and got mad suddenly started to accuse me that my father used gasoline for barbecuing and then had to laugh because it didn't make sense haha


But can she somehow understand if you have a dog at home you should also take care of it so my mother doesn't bring me a dog and doesn't want her to have to do everything in the end


My mother actually takes care of the dog. Sometimes I have to go outside with him and I don't keep him on or off. Then he bit me in the hand and now my fear increases in these scenes.

By 100% I mean that this is not always the case.

I have a morning routine. For my health. I have to take care of my skin disease every morning and evening. In the morning my mother woke me up and I went to the bathroom as usual. Then she got impatient and said that I'm comfortable in the toilet, so as not to go outside with him. And that's not true. As I said, I followed my routine.

And yes, it's not the first time.


Talk to your mother. Go to school and write applications before she has no right to take your lap.top away.


I quote you once: "When I was back in the apartment, she freaked out and talked stuff that is not 100% correct."

So that's 90% true? 80%? 70%?

It's still a lot, isn't it?

And take hold of your heart; why don't you tell exactly what she said here?

Maybe it has to do with it; if you would tell us what she said exactly that we would side with her?

Tell me what she said exactly and maybe what you said to her before she took your "toys" away.

Just be honest with us. You're here anonymously anyway.


She said that if we had internet, we were the kings, that I would be unable to walk, clean and tidy the room. That she would have to do everything alone and that nobody would ever help her. The word never stands for never and I have often helped.

Every time she says to me now and that stresses me out. And every time I refuse. No matter why it says that I should behave disgracefully. I mustn't have a negative impact on them.


Albert Einstein is said to have said once: "The definition of madness is to do the same thing ten times and expect a different result each time."

There's a solution to your problem. My question to you would be;

Do you want to hear solution No. 11 or do you want to act as before?


Please spoil her with your ruffle with Albert Einstein and just give her a helpful tip. My god "solution 11". Do you want to tell us the math formula right now?


There was also another saying that was circulating on the Internet… It went something like this:

If you have nothing clever to say, just shut up.

What are you getting involved in here?

I'm just giving you the choice: keep repeating the same mistake or change something about the situation?

I asked you and not you. And the very fact that you didn't understand Einstein's quote suggests to me that you want to push your ego here instead of helping the FS.


Of course I want to change that. If that is possible.


Then do the following next time;

If she comes back to you and thinks you did something wrong, say exactly this:

"I'm sorry, I'll try to do better next time. Can you forgive me this time?"