Media Receiver Telekom?


Hi! I have a problem and I try to summarize it briefly. I'm a customer of Telekom. Have a 50K line. According to DSL I get 47M / bit in. My fritzbox has 4 slots. My Media Receiver 401 Type B is connected to the Lan cable, as well as the PlayStation 4 and my TV. Say yes, you get the best connection with LAN cables. My PlayStation hangs on slot 2. Gets 47 M / Bit. My tv too. My resiever hangs on slot 1. But this thing only gets 23M / bit? If I plug it out and on my laptop to test the connection, I get 47 in. Only 23 arrive at the receiver. How is that supposed to work? I can just watch my UHD. Do you have any idea


The 23 M / Bit have nothing to do with the speed that the receiver receives.

This is the bandwidth that is reserved for the receiver.

I think you got the value from the settings of the receiver system resources, right?


Can you watch TV or not? 😜😁


I can already watch TV. Yes, that's what I mean. I just don't understand why I've been receiving UHD lately and suddenly not anymore. The bandwidth is too low. I've done several tests, it's not the connection in the general sense.


With your 50K tariff you are in accordance with The Telekom requirements at the lowest limit!

Which is why it sometimes doesn't work with UHD.

"Telekom even sets the bar extremely high for live TV! You don't even want to be satisfied with a 50 MBit connection. UHD is only released in Live TV from, with at least 100 MBit! A third prerequisite would be the latest media -Receiver or MR201. Only this one is ready for 4K. So if you already use the previous models, you have to change! "


As alarm67 already wrote, you can only receive UHD with a 100 Mbit line via the MR. If this worked, I'm very surprised, you were lucky:-)