What is safer from viruses cell phone or laptop


Question is above, would like to know which is safer. (even if, for example, a free anti-virus program is installed on both devices, as in my case Avast)


I would say cell phone because most games are downloaded from a store that checks all the apps.


It also depends on the device in detail, Apple products in general are safer.


In principle, all modern devices are fairly safe.


I would say mobile phone because you can get everything from the play store or Apple store and with a PC everything from internet sites


On the PC it is basically the same as on the cell phone. The games are also downloaded onto a large platform, where they are carefully checked.


Both are safe, both Android and Windows. You should just pay attention to WHERE and WHAT you are downloading and on which website you are hanging around.


That depends on the operating system of the respective devices.

The safest will be a non-jailbroken iPhone and Linux desktop / laptop, since most Linux malware is not aimed at end consumers and iPhones (apart from adware) can't be infected with malware that easily.