My best friend is funny, do I annoy her?


I have no idea if this suits you or not, but I'm a bit desperate and that's why I start to tell. My best friend and I are about 4 years best friends, we were already together on vacation etc.

In 2017, I had my first "friend" and preferred him to her, after which she first broke off contact with me, which I understand, we also spoke out and clarified that. During this time (when we did not have any contact) I realized how important she is to me and that I do not want to lose her.

Since then there have been the classic highs and lows of a friendship but everything was okey, until after our 1st Common Holiday 2018 suddenly I thought I would cling and so that we have clarified then and I have explained her why I'm so.

Now it's 2019 and she was in the USA with her cousin because her relatives live there (2 weeks) that means we did not see each other but we talked on the phone and everything was good. In addition, we have in 2 days a group examination with 2 others and I have done a lot for her (her grandpa has died 1 week before abroad, which is why she never had time for it and in the US she had no laptop) me I also liked that.

But somehow she is very funny for 2 days, she said she just does not feel like coming home and would rather stay in the US. But since then she answers to all my messages only with ok or not at all. I write to her, make jokes and everything but somehow she seems to be angry or annoyed.

I do not want to talk to her about it; because she will definitely say that nothing is. In addition to the group exam, she also has an oral exam in math and maybe stress because of that or something. I missed her 2 weeks where she was away because we always do a lot but I do not believe me and I'm scared that she'll tell me again I do not want any more contact or I'm too attached, sorry for the length of my story. I still hope that anyone can help me.


This phase is probably not yours but yours. I think she is mourning after her grandfather. When my grandma died, that was just the same, I did not want to let anyone in and just made me go and give her a little bit of time, then it will be again!


Your short-circuit is probably. At the USA itself. The visitors totally took. Even in the own family.


Do not write her that often anymore, it may be that she is getting too much. When you cling, you move away from each other because they need their space. It's best to wait until she feels like chatting.

And if the friendship should be, then that's the case, but you can't do anything on your own. Friends should seek closeness because they want it. Keeping in touch is the wrong way.


Yes, I hope that's it. But thanks!


Yes that's true.


My grandfather died too recently (1 month before her) and I talked to her and she knows that I'm always there for her. But maybe she just grieves differently.


Please wish you both the best!


Thank you!