How can I write everything in a straight line in a row in Word?


I'm doing a table of contents, now I've noticed that not everything is really straight at the back. Does anyone know how I can get this in a straight line? Please don't write anything in with a tab (I've already watched videos on this, but I can't do it with my Apple laptop)


With an Apple you can also change the type of a tab from left-justified to centered or right-justified.


Really Word? Does this work on Apple?

Otherwise: Word (and certainly also all other text programs) has a table of contents function. To do this, you have to format the headings as such, after which the function builds the directory automatically. Bonus: if you insert or delete something again and the page numbers shift as a result, the table of contents simply goes along with it.

If you really want to do it by hand: Insert a table with a wide column for the text and a narrow column for the page number. At the end you format the table lines to be invisible. In the half of the table column you can then format the numbers right-justified, then it looks even better.