Transcript of the lecture with hand or laptop?



I study law in the first semester and am still not sure how to write during the lecture.

So far I use both - my laptop and a block (not at the same time, but from lecture to lecture) because I personally find it pleasant to write on the laptop and some professors are just so fast that you can't keep up with your hand,

On the other hand, it always means that you learn better when you are writing by hand, or learn something handwritten and I always had the feeling that I can learn better with my handwritten notes

And now I wanted to ask, what experience you have made in such a study? And if you have any tips


Take your laptop with you if you can quickly type it with the laptop and later when you're at home write it again with your own words Handwritten on then you have it by hand and have repeated it again 2 flies with one stone is indeed more Work but you have to learn anyway

Hope I could help you


By hand, I think it is much easier and faster, moreover, I can't really learn with digital text (but of course you could print to the emergency). But if you want to save everything instantly digitally in one place (and save paper), I'd buy a Tablet + Pen. (or alternatively, a 2-in-1 device)


At the time I bought a smaller laptop on which I could write all the lectures. Although I can write quickly by hand, but with the keyboard, it was much faster. In addition, I could always forward my "effusions" to fellow students who did not attend lectures.