Can I really be excluded from a graduation class trip?


First a good day or evening. About a month ago I stole the USB stick from my math Leherer and overwrote the content on my private laptop. It came out and there was a class conference in which it was decided, under Section 96 (1) of the USchO, that I would do community service for two weeks and that I would be excluded from extracurricular activities. Today the letter came from the school and it says that I will be excluded from all extracurricular activities. Actually, I find that to be the case, but my concern is that I was also excluded from the graduation class trip. If this really works, could I "earn" my school trip by doing more community service?


A classmate has also somehow made a mess (do not know what) and was therefore not allowed on school trip.


Well, you're right.
No, you can't "verdine" that.

Luckily, there's no next time either. Maybe you'll learn from it.


Whether or not you are excluded from the graduation trip, only the school can tell you. My reading of "all extracurricular activities" also includes this ride.

Also, whether you can earn your participation in the ride can only be answered by a conversation with a responsible person from your school.