Can you connect an audio interface to a USB port on a laptop or notebook, is there enough power? (E.g. Focusrite Scarlett Solo)?


I would like to buy a condenser microphone soon (either Rode NT1 or Rode NT1A) and connect it to my laptop / notebook via USB with an audio interface (either Focusrite Scarlett Solo or Rode AI-1). Is the USB port enough to supply an audio interface and a connected condenser microphone with enough power?


Have you ever checked whether these audio interfaces have extra power connections? Therefore one should actually know that. But actually have no idea to be honest. Just try. If it doesn't work, you can always send it back.


The specification for USB actually stipulates that 500 mA can be delivered in any case. Often an amp also works.

the only halfway up-to-date device that I can just remember that is a bit weak is my asus covertible (tablet with notebook keyboard) but more like a netbook.

Otherwise, to anticipate everything, it's best to simply use an interface with its own power supply. Since you have one more cable, but certainly no problems.


Yes, the power is enough. I also regularly connect my Scarlett to my cell phone, also with phantom power. The battery consumption is then of course a little higher.