Toshiba laptop does not boot?


First of all: I'm not a PC nerd, so I ask a little consideration.

I have a Toshiba Satellite SL 10-130.

The laptop has been starting for 1 month but the monitor remains black. So you can really only see minimal.

My idea was now let the whole thing be fine and buy the same used (does not cost the world). Now one or the other will say: "What do you need an old crutch for?" But I use the laptop for vehicle diagnostics and that's enough for me.

In short, I bought a similar laptop, a Toshiba Satellite L20-173

They are optically the same.

Now I have removed the hard drive from my old laptop and installed it in the "new" one.

When you turn it on, nothing happens to the hard drive. So the laptop turns on you can also hear the fan but nothing is booted and the screen remains completely dark.

Maybe someone has a tip for me what I could try?

So it is not because of the hard drive, it is not defective because I have connected it as an external adapter to the PC. I have full access.

If nothing helps then the purchased laptop is just junk and I put 25 euro in sand but I think it was worth a try.

I'm looking forward to your comments.


If the screen is black right from the start, it's up to the laptop. And probably also on the 2nd bought.

manufacturer logo or similar things come normally when starting up.


As far as I know it is not that easy to start plug and play hard drives with Windows on another device. Windows is adapted to your system during installation. I think you can create a bootable USB stick with Windows. And then install this on the laptop if you get into the BIOS. Then you can create the free space on the hard drive as a new drive during the installation and later access the existing space.


Unfortunately I can't get into the BIOS


Then you can assume a defective laptop. The bios is integrated on the motherboard and should boot without a hard drive. As you said, with your 25 euro you at least tried. My experience with used notebooks was similar… You can rarely expect to get a working laptop for less than 100 euro.