Is my media somehow secured on Whatsapp?


Are my media somehow secured on What's App? On a cloud or something? I don't know anything about that. But I have to drag several pictures from What's App onto the laptop (for a school project).

Since there are around 15 pictures, it would be easier for me if I could somehow do it all at once.

So even without a USB cable. Does anyone know and knows whether they are somehow saved online (e.g. On my Google account or something)?

I would also find it somehow reassuring if my pictures are not just gone when I e.g. I lose my cell phone or it is broken and nothing works.


If you sent the pictures via chat you can download them via WhatsApp Web


I think in the standard settings of Whatsapp, the images are saved on your phone, which you can of course pull over relatively easily.
You can also move your backup to your Google account on Android
And finally, you also have Whatsapp-Web, which you can use to download files from the chats.
However, sending pictures would be discouraged, as they are compressed and look rather modest afterwards if you want to print them out or present them again

