Help with Magenta Internet?


Hello everyone I recently got a new tariff and router the tariff is 125 Mbit / s in the download and 25 Mbit / s in the upload.

Only that no matter when at night or during the day, for example, a file that is approximately 500 MB in size is displayed, that it takes 10 to 15 minutes.

In vain at a1 show that with 80 Mbit / s it loads in 50 seconds.

I'm now really aggressive, annoyed and full of anger because I gave magenta a second chance because we had a tariff for 30 Mbit / s for years and it got worse every year.

I need your help what can it do is it on the Internet is it that the WLAN card of the laptop is too slow (my laptop is connected via land cable) the transmitter is overwhelmed.

I'm not spoiled, I just want the Internet to come in for the price, I'm also happy with 125 Mbit / s when I arrive around 80 Mbit / s, I have no great wishes, for example, it always loads the file with 80 to 1,000 KB / s that's slow.

Others have less and they do better, which I find really sad, how difficult it can be to give the customer what he is referring to.


The question is whether the server from which the file is loaded also has a fast transfer rate. If the server only outputs 50Kb / s, your provider can offer the quickest download, you won't load faster.


No, I tried several programs and none of them I had no more than 1200 Kb / s. Strangely, I always have about 10 mbps with steam, but that's not great if other things don't work and I just wanted to go csgo I gamble a 70 to 90 ping.

Now I've turned on GeForce Now and it says that I only have 16 MBit / s of the maximum 125 MBit / s. But a 41 ping.


What does your router say Does it indicate you would get the full 125 down?


No, it does not show I do not necessarily want the 125 Mbit / s.

I know that LTE is rather busy because everyone felt it, but not so exaggerated.

I have thought to get 2 antennas then it will be maybe better?


Then call the support and ask if there are any problems or if the line is throttled because of Corona and how much.


OK thanks.