Parents are Apple fanatics. Advices?


For a long time now I have been thinking about creating a desktop PC in addition to my laptop. My pocket money would also be enough, the only problem is my parents. They are the biggest Apple fanboys there are. Of course they are against it that I want to build a great value PC with an AMD Ryzen 5 2160 and an RTX 2060. No, of course they want me to save on an Apple overpriced Mac. Although I have already tried to convince them, they simply have no idea about PCs, but think they know everything better. I mean PLAY ON A MAC? But that's not the only thing that annoys me: Even in my class, I'm often "outsider" just because I'm not an Apple fan. I often have to listen to comments like "you don't like Apple because you're too poor for it" and stuff like that. Ask for advice on how I can convince my parents of a PC and not a Mac or a Theraml Throttling Mac Book.


The operating system is disabled on macs after my melnukg. Furthermore, as far as I know there's no gaming apple mac. Besides, you don't have good graphics cards inside do you? That means apple devices are completely unsuitable for gaming.


Oh man, I'm really sorry, I only know that too well with the Apple fanboys. : /

Show your parents how they are controlled by Apple and don't let go of them until they allow you to. Try to advertise your PC as best you can. Search for bad reviews from Apple and show them. Show them that you can't gamble on Macs at all and can use them more as office PCs. All graphics programs are also supported on Windows (DirectX), so you have one more argument. You can do it!

If you have any questions just write in the comments below.

All the best


It's easy, many games require DirectX as a Graphics API and Microsoft is proprietary.

So your software is not supported by MacOS and you can stop arguing at that point.

Also: as long as you save, it is your money, so if your parents are interested in what? Incidentally, there's no Ryzen 2160.


Thanks for the advice!


With pleasure!


Thanks for the advice, I have unfortunately committed myself there, said Ryzen 5 2600


A little tip: AMD has TSMC manufacture and since they have stopped producing 14 & 16nm, but AMD still produces the 1600, get the 1600AF (the AF omit most sellers, but every 12nm 1600 is one) 1600AF).

The 'new' 1600 is almost identical to the 2600, can also be easily clocked at 4.2 GHz, but only costs around 90 euro. So either the one or a whole corner brisker and the 3600 (no matter which chip, think of fast RAM, 3.2GHz @ CL16 or better at Ryzen).


Ok thanks for the tip, I think I'll go with a 3600 then. Have another question, is a water cooling system worthwhile with an overclocked 3600 and if so which can you recommend?


No. An AiO is never really worth it, unless you have a miniITX housing and no space for a sufficiently large air cooler.

Good air coolers like a Noctua NH-D15 but also cheaper like Mugen, Brocken or Macho are always quieter, cheaper and usually cool. Also better than an AiO (only with really large radiators> = 360mm, water cooling will then become stronger, especially with 'right', custom water cooling).

In addition, you can't clock Zen so high that a good air cooler reaches its limits, you reach the wall relatively early.


Thanks for the tips! Now I can only hope that this will work with my parents.


You can give chanterelle to the people in school. Shouldn't interest you what other people think about brands and such nonsense. Can you tell yes, if they are so unsure that they need expensive electronic waste to have self-confidence, that is not your problem. Always have a good answer ready.

To your parents:

1. If you save money from your pocket money or a mini job, you can buy what you want (within the legal framework, of course).

Second, ask your parents how you should play games if you need Windows and a clever graphics card for 99% of all games. If you don't believe that, ask if you really want to be so intellectually dishonest.

Third, if that doesn't help, find new parents.

I hope you can achieve something. Apple fanatics are terrible.


Thank you for the advice, I'm new here on good question and think it is really great what nice and helpful answers you get here.


It's true that Apple has its advantages over Linux or Windows, but Mac is just as far, if not worse, than Linux when it comes to gaming.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to teach your parents something like this, because many simply have no insight. But it's your pocket money and you can do whatever you want with it. You can build a nice calculator and rub it under your nose, how much better it is.


Unfortunately you don't always get them, so be careful. Especially late at night and at night, many trolls are out and about.