Looking for a laptop? - 9


Hi, I'm looking for a laptop, but I know ZERO.

He must be able to:

All possible school programs should run

Should have good micro and camera

Should be small

All ports have (USB.)

Should be black

Will also play minecraft (with shader) on it

Have as much RAM and normal memory as possible (have no plan as that is called)

Should cost less than 600 euro (best 500 euro)

Would be nice if someone could advise me, Thank you


Should be small

Should cost less than 600 euro (best 500 euro)

Depending on your definition of small, this is mutually exclusive. You can't get new laptops under 14 inches at the same price.

In general, I can recommend you to look at the devices from Lenovo.


Fits 14 inches or larger. Shouldn't be too much should be so big that you can comfortably carry it around.


Under 600 euro and Minecraft with extensions are, as far as I know, mutually exclusive


Doesn't have to be anyway, it would be cool if it worked, but it's not important.


Well, you should definitely take one with either a Ryzen 4000 or a Core i3-11xxx (e.g. The Core i3-1115G4). 8 GB of RAM are sufficient for your purposes. More would be better, but it could quickly blow your budget.

If possible, the device should have an SSD instead of a hard disk (HDD).

Possible devices are, for example, the following:

