Less power on notebook?

- in Acer

Very strong performance problems under network operation
Hello everybody,

I hope you can help me.

I have an Acer notebook.

Since I have the laptop, I have the following problem:

The laptop can call up its full performance under battery operation (videos play smoothly, websites load quickly and the overall performance is good).

As soon as I connect the laptop to the power, the performance totally goes down:

- Videos jerky extremely

- Websites load very slowly (sometimes I thought Firefox had crashed)

- overall performance is extremely slow

It is really the case that the laptop is faster and more powerful on battery power than on mains operation. And that can't be right somehow.

Now I'm not an expert, but I have checked all the energy settings and set them so that "full power" should be called up in mains operation. Drivers and BIOS are up to date.

I hope you have an idea what could be going on there. Unfortunately I didn't find anything on the Internet and here in the threads.

If you have any data or the like If necessary, I would be happy to send them to you.


See also http://geneslebenswerk.de/computer/windows-10-cpu-throttling-aktivieren/. Is everything in the extended power options for "mains operation" at 100%?


Years ago I had a company laptop that only came with a "travel power supply". That was nice and compact, but didn't deliver much power - and the laptop (Dell, if I remember correctly) throttled it down.

With the significantly larger and heavier stationary power supply unit, it ran at full power.

That would be at least an idea.