How many liberties do your children have?


In advance my son is 16 years old. So it would not be helpful if someone answers me whose child is only 8 years old or something.

So now to my questions: how long may your children stay outside? How long can you stay on mobile, laptop, etc? How often can you meet with friends? Is there anyone you have forbidden your children from meeting? What do you think about meeting girls? Do your children have a girlfriend? If so, did you have a conversation about sex, contraception, etc?

Thanks in advance in advance for your answers ☺️


I grew up in the home. When I was 16, these rules applied to me: starting at 9:30 pm, by arrangement for a longer period of time.pc 1 hour a day, mobile phone was unlimited because I had to get up early for school and the educators were not awake yet are when I losmusste.meinen erstwhile friend I had to bring along to say hello, I was already cleared much earlier about prevention. I was allowed to meet with anyone within my departure times, except internally from home there were problematic people, as we got from the management said that we should avoid them. And joa… But you should not overdo it, the puberty is a difficult phase… For me, the rules were gradually relaxed because this rigorous worked rather contrary to me and I started to rebel


Mine are not yet 16, but I know how it is, if one does not have many liberties with 16.

I also tell my children, it is up to them alone how much freedom they have.

Do their jobs like school, maybe help them, others get more freedom than if they do not stick to their cause. Cell with 16 still time to schedule? I would not do (unless they do nothing else for the cell phone)

Out with 16:06 under the week is 22 clock classification, on weekends to 00.00.oder by appointment sometimes even longer. And I also every day, when they have done their things.

Girlfriend with 16? Actually normal or. Enlightenment before anyway. But not only with 16.sonder much earlier.

Yes, as I said, for me it is a give and take, nothing comes of nothing, and if I realized that you think you have to do nothing at school or anything else, that's just a little tighter pulled, then it is on them. You get that with 16;)


Since each child is individual and there are no patent remedies for education, I would say, depending on how mature my child is at the age of 16, I can more or less trust him and make independent decisions.

My grandmother was a decent being at the age of 15 and I could trust her so she could go to open-air concerts back then, but with an agreement that she should contact me whenever she came later than agreed Home came.

My other two children would not have been so far at that age as to be able to handle this with a clear conscience. Intuitively they both knew that and did not ask for so much "freedom" as it scared them.

You see, every child is different.

All the best!


Sounds more reasonable than many children who grew up at home.