How can you open a document via Libre Office and not via Word (on a laptop)?


My daughter has a problem with her laptop and she gets tasks via Iserv on her laptop, so all is well and good so far, but when she opens a document it opens automatically via "Word" and not via "Libre Office"… There you think it's not a problem, etc. But if you open it via "Word" you can't edit it or you would have to pay money, of course we don't want that.


Right click on the file you want to open, "Open With", then select the LibreOffice Writer. If this is not displayed, then search via "select other app". Look for the LibreOffice Writer under "other apps" or click on "search for another app on this PC" and search for the executable file directly - you must of course know where LibreOffice is installed.

Usually only has to be exercised the first time, then you can use the option "always use this app to open…" so that your Word files will always be opened via LibreOffice in the future.


Why do you have to pay money for it, I also have iserv and often use Word and I'm actually satisfied with it and don't have to pay any money and some things that the teachers upload can't be opened as libre, some send it as PDF, some as Word is different depending on after and for me it is always displayed on IServ whether I want to open it with word or otherwise


Because Word is chargeable once. Together with excel and co


Start Libre Office and open the file from within the program.

Alternatively, you could get a student version of MS Office.


Not somehow with me


Impossible. Maybe it was with the computer


May be


If I want to log into Word to use it, I have to pay money… Maybe it's just my laptop. And I don't see how I want to open it


I don't know, I definitely didn't pay anything for it