MSI laptop games crash?


I have the MSI GE63 Raider RGB 8RF laptop.

If I want to start COD WW2, the loading screen appears briefly and then I come back to the desktop, sometimes the message appears that the application is already running.

If I play COD MW3 and want to change the graphic settings and then click on graphics settings, I can get to the desktop and can't click anything, so I have to shut down the laptop with the on / off switch, because nothing else can do.

Does anyone know, wodran that is and can help me?


I think this is not because of your laptop but because of a problem in Windows. Scan your laptop sometimes with antivirus software for errors, because the laptop should not actually limit the game. Which operating system do you use?


I have Windows 10 with i7. Norton says that everything is good. Wodran could that be otherwise?


Try to create a second partition and reopen Windows 10. If the game works then it depends on your attitude


Could there be a hardware error as well? Everything was fine for 3 months, then I had a mistake with the HDD and this was then replaced (had sent the laptop). Since then, the games no longer work.


Hmm, that can of course be now. Try that with the 2nd partition and let me know