How does this work with a bank transfer from UK to Germany?


I sell a laptop on Ebay. Someone from UK asked if I could shake the laptop - it would be paid by bank transfer. - I'm so careful about this, - How does this work with a bank transfer from UK to Germany?


He would transfer the money to you, but I urge you to be careful. Because in the UK, other banking rules apply than here in D, for example. Can a bank from the uk cancel a bank transfer, much as here in D the debit!

Therefore, I would only use secure payment methods…

my tip: cash on delivery international - 7,50 euro

lg, Anna

PS: it has happened before that the buyer, by mistake, instead of 30 euro has transferred 3000 euro, and asked to transfer to him the overpaid 2970 per western union. No sooner had that happened, it occurred to him that he could get the money back again…


I sell a laptop on Ebay… Someone from UK asked

Does he want to pay more than you want?

That sounds like Nigeria Connection!

Caution is advised.

The interested party will certainly suggest some funny methods that are not customary in banking.

I've added ebay to your topics because it m.E. More important than technology / finance is.


You will not sell your laptop, but will give it away. In 99% these "purchases" from abroad are fraud! Especially if the buyers are from UK. Keyword: Nigeria Connection.

But to your question:
There's no difference to a German instruction. Your money goes into your bank account and can be seen in your sales in your bank account, on your bank statement. Point.

The fraud is visible here, if the "bank" sends you an email with the request to upload the shipment number and then the amount would be credited. That's completely nonsense; This is not how banks work.

So if you do that, the money must first be in your bank account, THEN send it first!