Laptop serviced 1 day after warranty?


I have a question.

On 27.06.2017 I ordered a laptop online.

On 15.06.2019 he broke down.

Sent to the workshop on 18.06.2019.

He entered on 21.06.2019.

On 28.06.2019 I got a protocol that the fermenter was received…

Today on 08.07.2019 I got an e-mail:

"You have sent us your defective device, which we have forwarded for repair to the service of the manufacturer.

Since the voluntary manufacturer's warranty of 24 months has already expired, we can't offer you a free repair.

Your device can't be repaired as part of the voluntary manufacturer's warranty or warranty.

You've got the following possibilities:

- Device is repaired according to cost estimate of the manufacturer to 97.43 euro

- We will return the unrepaired device to your address

- We dispose of the device environmentally friendly and free of charge

Please let us know within the next 6 business days. "

What should I do?


So those are not very accommodating, but there's nothing they can do, would pay the 97.43, and the laptop manufacturer to draw attention to this and probably never buy a laptop from this manufacturer