My grandmother is lonely and lonely - we can't visit her?


My grandmother is in the nursing home. My grandfather died a few months ago.

Because of Corona, she is not allowed to leave the home, have any contact with other residents and is only visited by exactly one person every two months for a short time. She is essentially in solitary confinement.

She is severely hearing impaired, so it is almost impossible to talk to her on the phone. With technology such as smartphone / laptop etc. It does not get along.

We're currently writing her a postcard every week. But that is hardly a substitute for contact with other people. It is lonely. Regardless of the fact that I do not want any such treatment, I think that this is inhumane treatment for an old person shortly before his death.

Do you have any ideas on what we could do?

I've been thinking about giving her a device that can display text and send voice messages. However, it should be absolutely stupidly simple, e.g. Exactly one button you have to press to record a voice message. And of course without bugs.


Maybe you will inquire about the current status in your state. The ban on visiting us has been lifted for three weeks. Visits have been possible since then, with restrictions, but again.

On the other hand, I would consider that there was a ban on visiting old people's and nursing homes. Not more. The residents may not be locked in the home (unless it is a closed ward), nor is contact with the other residents prohibited. If this actually works, I would contact your regional government directly.


Yes, it is with us too. Therefore we can visit them every two months. I will definitely look into it more closely.


Retirement home does not mean shortly before death. Otherwise it would be Hospitz.

It depends on how fit she is. Contact the nursing service and give her a tablet about what you have already set up, where she can make a video conference with two clicks.

Heads up.


I had already considered this, but I think that if she accidentally opened the settings, she would be overwhelmed.
In addition, there's no Wi-Fi in the old people's home.


The extra device is otherwise not required. I think there will be a CD radio player. Send her an audio CD (fit ~ 70 minutes on it) so that she hears your voices at least once.


Krass we left at 2 visits in the week that can be done through the administration. The visits are not allowed


But. It is possible after prior notification and the prescribed protective measures.


Yes - but as I said, only every two months