Laptop power supply after plugging in laptop no more 19.5 V voltage?


Since my laptop since 2 days now no longer goes and unfortunately I have no error message or the like in the first place got my question?

I've measured the power supply under power because it brings the specified 19.5 V voltage.

However, once I plugged it into the laptop and then tried to turn it on, which did not work, it only has 1, … Or 0, … Volt.

Is that normal? Or maybe I need only a new power supply because the laptop was very expensive in itself and I would not swap everything on suspicion

I'm sorry layman what voltage ange

Ask for your help


You have not measured the power supply "under power", but idle. If the voltage then breaks during operation on the laptop, there are two possibilities:

The power supply is broken

Laptop, or battery is broken.

In the simplest case, plug in another power supply, or plug in the laptop with the power adapter, but without the battery…


You simply change the laptop, the power supply belongs to the laptop


Is this the original power supply included with the laptop, or do you have a replica power supply from a third party manufacturer, which may only have low electrical capacity?

At least it looks at first as if your power supply could turn off when connected to the laptop possibly because of overload.

Look at the nameplates on the bottom of your laptop. Normally it should be noted which voltage (V) the power supply unit needs and which current rating (A) it must at least offer.


Is already over 4 years old with exchange there's not much.


Have it already tested without battery because the same problem with the power supply.


There are also 19.5 v and 9.2 A.

Is the original power supply


Computer / notebook power supplies typically operate with load independent voltage stabilization in the secondary output.

When the NT is to output 19.5 volts, the output voltage between 0 to 100% load demand must not fluctuate more than about 5% during stabilization.


That It is normal that this happens?

Have it tested again it happens even if I plug it in and nothing on the laptop press…


Then a technical Spezi would have to measure with the right equipment times, which load of your laptop would then take from a comparable (or more reliable) power supply, or whether your power supply can supply the approximately 185 watts in the peak secondarily still stable without early shutdown.

Do you have a multimeter? If so, which current measurement (up to how many amps) allows it to be directly connected in between?


One would have to make a tinker between power supply - secondary output and notebook - Netzteileing for further power measurements in the current flow between power supply and notebook.

Do you have a multimeter?


So now it has tried several times it shows something very briefly and then drops to 0 immediately when I measure it with the multimeter


Yes, but would not know how I do the rest