Virus on laptop or not?


I just downloaded some YouTube music videos in mp3 format via 2conv and realized that with all the advertising and the constant reopening of the page it would take years to download all the songs…

Then I wanted to download their app for Windows, I know, reckless, but now it has just happened.

Windows Defender sounded the alarm immediately after the app had been downloaded (almost) and indicated that the file contained malware.

The "serious" error could not be completely removed from the hard drive by the "Remove" action of Windows Defender, because it indicated to me that some files might still have been left. Then I pressed remove about 4-5 times until the message went away.

Then I reopened the Windows settings and let Defender do a quick check again, it didn't recognize anything.

Do you think the virus is completely gone? I have not noticed any deterioration in the performance of the laptop, nor have I found any changes made by Windows without my permission.

I wanted to do another "examine all files" check on the second hard drive of the laptop, but after about 160,000 files the laptop got really warm and the fan turned up badly, even though the laptop is not even a year old…

Should I be worried?


Yes, you should worry - Windows Defender is not the best anti-virus software, you should definitely get a better one. Malewarebytes e.g. Could you download it for free and scan your system…

It doesn't have to be that you've caught something, but

Don't just trust Windows Defender!


Hmm… Quite strange question follows: If no change can be found on the 2nd hard drive, i.e. Where all the files downloaded from Google are stored, is it possible that the virus has simply spread over to the 1st hard drive?


So I looked at all changed files under "Modification Date" and supposedly there have been no changes in the files for 2 days


Downloaded from Google? Google is a search engine… Where did you find that? Just let Malewarebytes run over it, or some other software and get a proper virus program…


Okay, thank you, I'm just downloading it

p.s.: Sorry, but I'm really not an expert, but you have certainly understood that I meant "about" Google, or not from the "official" Google.


A virus is not just a file that lies somewhere. Explaining that in text form is too complex for me xD But if you find 100% something in http://WWW…


Hmm okay thank you very much. Malwarebytes couldn't find anything, just an older file that is "potentially unwanted". So I assume everything is safe so far


If he has Windows 10, which can be assumed, then Windows Defender is perfectly adequate, regardless of the situation now.