How do I force myself to move more and slowly but surely do sport?


Since I moved into a new apartment for the first time, I have nothing but a bed available and I sit on it all day and work on my notebook, and I've been doing this for more than 3 months, I'm 26 and I'm already noticing how it is I'm not overweight but very lazy, I hardly go out without wearing a kappy, which I hate very much but I have hair loss, I feel so ugly with the hair loss, you are just a different person my self-esteem breaks because of it, I need motivation somehow to participate more in life because that way I'll just break down, what should I do? How should I introduce a structure into the day? I don't work, get my secondary school diploma at night school, i.e. There's always distance learning in the evening, that's all that's going on at the moment with me, I also look very tired in my face, ok my sleep rhythm is also totally in the can, at least lately awake until 3 o'clock at night and that without point… I just mess myself up unnecessarily, how do I put things in order, where should I start? I would also like to be outside more often instead of at home, but I haven't had any friends since I moved to a completely new area…


Turn off your notebook completely, put it in a closet where you can't get it easily, and if you have a friend, ask her to hide the notebook and other electronic things (my mother used to make sweets when I was younger.


Didn't even read through the whole question, but I think I understood your problem. What always helps me a lot are social contacts that motivate me and challenges. Make a bet with friends or something. We bet for a few months that if you don't get a six-pack by the time the summer vacation, you won't be allowed to drink for the entire vacation. That was my second best motivation to do sports so far. ^^ You can of course set the target lower. The best motivation is my big brother. Somehow he's always motivated and of course I have to go along with that. Oh yes, and be sure to write down your successes. You will not notice any difference to the previous day on any day. But if you have a list of how far you could jog a month ago, and what you can already do now, then you will not stop being amazed. But don't be disappointed if you let up - that's part of it, too.

If you know you should do sports, but you just don't feel like doing it, do a tiny exercise and see if you feel like doing it. Not in the mood for an extensive workout? Do 5 pushups and see if you feel more alive afterwards. It helps with me, who knows - maybe with you too. Ah yes, and design your workouts so that you will enjoy doing them again. I know it too well. You haven't done anything for weeks, your guilty conscience is kicking in, and then you're hyper-motivated and could uproot trees. You power it in for half an hour and you can't go on the next day because you exaggerated the day before. And the next day you forgot your motivation. Good mood is bad motivation. Find a very specific reason why you want to exercise. Explain this reason to yourself in more detail, so that you understand why it is worth exercising.


Then start. You want to change your life - you have a lot of potential to do so. The prerequisite for this is that you really want to.

Even if I give you a bunch of tips now, you shouldn't do everything at once. That would be counterproductive.

Make your apartment beautiful. A bed is not enough. Everyone would get depressed. So bring wallpaper on the wall - paint your walls whatever you want. If you have absolutely no one for it, do it yourself. Yes, it takes a little longer - but is feasible. Then think about what your floors should look like. Get furniture for free: Check the eBay classifieds to see what others want to get rid of. And then get yourself small decorative items with which you can beautify your home.

Set the alarm clock. You get up in the morning. Because after leaving school you will most likely start working in the morning. If not, you have time for errands, visits to the doctor, sports… Then sports

the next keyword. Pick a time to move around. And choose the right sport. Good - not easy in Corona times. But where a will…

Go shopping regularly at set times. Cook yourself something - come up with recipes. Google what others are cooking.

Do your homework. In such a way that you will be best in class. What else do you put in the effort every evening? 😉

Socialize in school so you can make friends. Get to know your neighbors. Go out - good: Corona times - blabla. Yes, that's right - turn-off.

But change what you can change!


Wow that's a lot of questions at once. But I'll try to help you with a few things.

Exercise / Sport: Start slowly and then increase. Try to bring more exercise into your everyday life in general. You don't have to look at it as a separate thing (e.g. Walk instead of taking the train or car) or go for a walk every now and then when the weather is nice. Try to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. I dance z. B. Enjoy and like yoga. What would motivate you to exercise more? Btw: I can highly recommend yoga as a starter and also for back problems. There are also good tutorials on Youtube. Have a look at Mady Morrison's cabal. Your workouts and yoga units have helped me a lot, including improving my posture…
Structure in the day: rituals and lists of things that you have to do but also with things that you want to do. Writing a diary also helps me to organize all my thoughts and reflect on myself. About how you are and what you would like to change…
Sleep rhythm: in order to be able to fall asleep better in the evening it helps to get enough exercise (see above) and not to eat anything after 7 p.m. (this is also good for the figure). In addition, it is best not to hang so much on the screen of whatever late in the evening so that the screen light does not suggest to your body that it is daytime.
spend more time outside: it's not so nice not to have friends in your area, but you can also go out alone. There's nothing wrong with it. (Take a good book with you or a sketchbook if you like to draw… Whatever interests you.)
participate more in life: is more difficult at the moment than usual. I don't know, just try to be open and friendly to everyone you meet and with whom you come into contact. Maybe something will come up:-)

hope I could help. All the best to you!


First of all, you shave your head or cut your hair very briefly to a few millimeters with a beard trimmer. With this you are telling the world that you are confident and that you don't mind if a few hairs fall out. That alone will give you an incredible kick.

Then you look for different videos on YT in which others show their exercises at home with only their own body. Write down which exercises you like, make a list. Start with light exercises, for example with a stool or just a sturdy banana box that you use as a stepper. In the beginning, just keep doing it until you sweat. As soon as you are comfortable with it, you will expand your exercises and add to your list. If you exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day, you are on the right track.