New laptop urgently needed for university, but which one?

- in Asus

My laptop doesn't want anymore and it's time for a new one, me

am in the middle of my final exams and I need a laptop in a hurry.

Of course, I have nothing to do with technology, the MediaMarkt employees in my area are extremely unfriendly and give advice, but they have no desire or understanding.

I would be grateful if some of you could give me tips. My budget as a student is not high, but neither are my requirements. My laptop should have at least 8GB and be fast, the current one was extremely slow, I mean it had 1.3 GHz or whatever it is called. And it should also be from MediaMarkt, since I still have a 100 euro voucher.

The two devices are my favorites but my roommate says the price is not justified:

The ones inserted above are my favorites, otherwise I have found these devices:

I would be very grateful for tips, because I think today I will slowly have to order it online, my time is running out.


Does Windows have to be on it? If not, just get a used ThinkPad and use Arch with i3 as a window manager


Stay away from those lappies from media markt or something like that, they are hardly worth it

I would recommend the

New laptop urgently needed for university, but which one to you

I'd rather keep the voucher and get something else from it, but it's your decision


Please no PC / laptop from Mediamarkt.

You can take any notebook with Ryzen 5. Look best at Idealo or Geizhals.


Oh that sounds so complicated haha, ne it should already be new from mediamarkt with windows, I really only use it for watching films, Excel files and shopping. Gaming or something ain't mine.

Kr should be enough, you can certainly use the voucher in other ways


Oh well, the one linked by me has no windows on it


It is too small for its purposes


I would be grateful if some of you could give me tips. My budget as a student is not high, but neither are my requirements. My laptop should have at least 8GB and be fast, the current one was extremely slow, I mean it had 1.3 GHz or whatever it is called.

Where does it say that the lappy should be too small


In other comments it says that the person wants to use it to watch office and movies


You can do it with it too
I've worked with it for a long time and the huawei matebook of his own choice is not much bigger


The cheapest that can do what you need is this one:


But not where the delivery time is unfortunately too long


Unfortunately, Media Markt is the fastest for me and so far I haven't had any major problems with devices with MediaMarkt, if something was broken, the warranty / repair worked well. Therefore I shy away from buying devices from anywhere else except MediaMarkt or Saturn - as oldschool as it may sound to you or you.

If you had to decide which of the above devices would you choose?


For the price and performance actually nice but yes it takes time. Unfortunately, I started my laptop search a little too late. Do you have any other suggestions? How does it actually work with warranty or technical problems when buying devices from other sites? Used I'm not a fan, these sites like curmudgeon and so I don't know yet. What I find practical about Saturn and MediaMarkt is that I can just go there if I have problems


I'll take a look at them right away and then write here again.


If something is done, you say, they usually send you a return label or a qr code by email, which you then bring to dhl / hermes / dpd and you describe the error you had. When they have the laptop, they fix it and send it back to you. Yes, saturn / mediamarkt are practical, but they can also be annoying because the employees there often get pressure from above and first pretend it is their own fault or nothing is broken. And they don't have a clue either. In which region do you live? Maybe I know a shop near you that is cheap and good.


Live in hesse, a small student town near frankfurt, ne there's nothing in the village: / except for MediaMarkt


Is that near you? Shop Friedberg

61169 Friedberg

Green way 14

(Access via Straßheimer Straße)


Ne schortkramer, but thank you very much